Things are starting to get real serious, and real accurate here at the Mad Chatter Podcast. For weeks you may have been squirming in your seats every time one of our hosts (*cough* Maddy Proud *cough*) got their facts wrong or tried to tell you something that was 100% incorrect. But never fear, Matty is here!
(and no, before you (Media Maddy) get too excited, it's not Matty Healy. But more on that later...)
We get to know our reasearcher Matty and where his passion for researching and fact checking came from as well as tackling all the hard hitting issues hitting our headlines this week. And this time we actually know what we're talking about!
And yes, before you ask, we covered that contriversial topic we know you all want to talk about...
Happy listening xx
Please note: Pregnancy-related discussions may take place in this pod. We acknowledge that this can be a sensitive topic, and our hearts go out...
This is the moment you all have been waiting for. You have prayed for. You have got on your knees and begged for ......
Q: What could be more exciting than One Direction getting back together? A: Mad Chatter returning for a 3rd (sort of) season!Your favourite Maddy’s...