We apologise sincerely for the lack of content last week so to make up for it we have decided to spend nearly an hour talking about things that make us go GRRRR. Ironic that top of our list should probably have been "when your favourite podcast has zero consistency and randomly doesn't drop one week" but pls dont @ us.
We are just going to blame Turner's sudden tik tok fame (IYKYK) for our busy schedules.
We hope you find our endless ranting as thereputic as we did.
Happy listening xx
It was about time we got a guest on for season 2 ... and bOY did we DELIVER! We are joined by the wonderfully...
"You're a great netballer, but a terrible athlete" - that's a compliment right? We are so lucky to have Teigan (affectionately known as Tos)...
IT'S 2025 AND NOTHIN' HAS CHANGED! Still unprepared, still stealing segments. PSA: The audio is ordinary - we'll work on it. Blame Maddy Proud...