Does absence really make the heart grow fonder? We sure hope so!
We can't apologise enough for our tardiness and for making you wait a WHOLE 2 WEEKS to have us in your ears again. But as we've mentioned many-a-times, BLAME GRACE PARKER! For those 2 people who don't know, Maddy Proud's second book, Grace back on Court, was released last week hence the lack of poddy. Just remember guys, it's available IN ALL GOOD BOOK STORES!
Back to the poddy...
We have definitely made up for missing last week with an ICONIC guest who some of you will be VERY happy to be hearing from again. We may have had to beep out a few f bombs and edit out a few inapproprate stories but that's why we love this guest.
There's only one way to find out who it is...
ROJOICE PEOPLE, the band's back together! And no, before you start tweeting and texting every person you know, we don't mean One Direction, we...
Never fear loyal listeners, order has been restored (somewhat) to the Mad Chatter podcast. We are all back together under the same roof, in...
We don't really know how to explain this episode... it's a little bit like what my family used to eat on a Sunday night......